Dear Family and Friends,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today I celebrated Thanksgiving with my companion. After celebrating Halloween with our branch activity last month I decided I might as well celebrate every single American holiday I assumed I would miss as a missionary. Hna. Da Silva was excited about the idea so I went ahead and made Thanksgiving plans.

I have only been here for 3 months but I am also very grateful for this experience. I am learning things I am certain I could not have learned anywhere else. I am thankful for my companion. I am not sure if I have mentioned enough in my letters how great she is. I will try to make up for that now: Hna. Da Silva is GREAT, I really could not have asked for a better trainer. She is patient and fun and brave. She is an excellent teacher. She is great.
I am also thankful for family and friends whose love and support has been invaluable. I´d love to hear from more of you! Send me a letter sometime. I promise I will respond.
Anyways all the Thanksgiving preparation and clean-up has left me with little time to write so I will have to leave it at that this week.
An Extra Happy Breakfast Thanksgiving to all the believers! I will try to have a more elaborate breakfast than usual this coming Saturday but make sure you celebrate in my honor. Remember the poor starved peasants who had to eat the leftovers of the bourgeoisie for breakfast. This is their day.
Never Forget Your Imagination,
Hermana Parker
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