26 March 2012

Kinder Eggs - March 26, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

This week started with exchanges with the hermanas in Barrio 3. This time Hermana Sweet came to spend a few days with me here and Hermana Hobbs went with Hermana Medero (from Uruguay!) to Barrio 3. Hermana Sweet is from salt lake and she is very tall and blonde and blue-eyed. She played college basketball before her mission. I guess in Argentina they would call me tall and blonde too, but she is the real deal and, if it´s possible, I think we got even more stares and yells and "que hermosa" comments than usual. Anyways it was fun to switch things up for a few days.

On Wednesday it was POURING rain and it came down the hardest right at 10 AM when we were just leaving the apartment. We went out, tried to go to our first appointment and they either were not home or couldn´t hear us clapping because the rain was so loud. I was soaked within minutes and we went back to our apartment to change and I brought out the heavy duty rain boots and raincoat. The streets were rivers and even with my tall rain boots the water was high enough to spill over them and soak my feet.

My Hobbs came back Wednesday night and the poor girl got really sick and was throwing up all night and we stayed in Thursday so she could recover. She was all better by Friday though so no worries.

Sunday afternoon we still needed to find a lot of new investigators so we decided to do some good old-fashioned tracting. It is still really hard to get my timid self into a tracting mood...but if I can get myself in the right mindset it can be sort of fun or at least interesting. Clapping doors is like opening a kinderegg--you never know what surprise might be inside! So I was trying to be optimistic and help Hermana Hobbs feel optimistic too, so I was giving us a little pep talk. Right before we knocked our first door I said "Just remember, there are people out here searching for this!" We ring the door bell and in a moment a woman opens it, and, looking quite grumpy she just wags her finger at us and slams it shut before we can even say a word. SEARCHING!

But we continued on and did the whole block and actually got to meet some really great people. Including the uncle of one of our less active members. He was really nice although he said from the beginning we would "never convince him." We sat down and started to share anyways and right in the middle of our lesson his daughter came home from the hospital where she had been visiting her 1 month old sick baby. We introduced ourselves and said a prayer together for the child. They seemed really appreciative for our kind words. There are little tender mercies even in hard weeks or hard transfers.

That´s all for this week. After the rain the weather cooled down considerably. It has been beautiful this week. I am so grateful. I want to be just as vocally grateful about good weather as I was about the unbearability of the heat. Transfers are coming right up. I will let you know what happens!


Hermana Parker

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