12 February 2013

Reconquista Part 2 – February 11, 2013

Dear Family and Friends,

I think this has got to be the most surreal part of my mission. I feel completely caught between two worlds. I feel like I am working just as hard, if not harder and there is, as always, SO MUCH work to do. So many families to visit, and prayers to pray, and family home evenings to plan, and doors to knock, and stories to listen to. My mind is still very much absorbed in my work here and in this dear, little, struggling branch in Reconquista. But, I am not in denial, either...the end is near. Soon it will all be over and the feeling is bittersweet.

The other night I had this funny dream that was like a mix of the two worlds I am currently caught between. I was in a fancy mall-type place that was filled with stores and movie theaters and also classrooms and auditoriums like you would find on BYU campus. I haven't been in a place like that in 18 months, and it definitely felt like it represented "home" and the U.S,. -- the place I am going back to shortly.

But, representing Argentina and the "world" of my mission-- I was there with my companion (ever at my side), and in the theater they were playing the Joseph Smith movie, and throughout the dream we were running away from some of the dirty diseased vicious dogs that plague the streets here. It was kind of funny, but a pretty good representation of my psyche right now.

Anyways, I am sitting here a little dazed and battered, thinking about all the news from home and all that has happened here this week. Life sure does know how to throw us some pretty big blows and sometimes it can feel so overwhelming and terrifying, it is hard to know what to do...

On Thursday this week we went to visit one of our investigators, Betty. She is a wonderful woman, a mother of 7. Two of her younger sons were baptized last year and a few weeks ago she asked to talk to us because she wants to make some changes in her life. She wants desperately to repent and change and start new and find peace.

She was really torn up on this particular day because her husband had just left her the night before, all alone with the 7 kids (including one severely disabled daughter) to go work in the south of Argentina. Betty has no family members here in Reconquista and he was going to be gone for about a year, working and saving money. She was devastated that he was going to be so far away for so long, but the economic situation is not ideal and he has the possibility of earning a lot more at this new job, so he decided to leave the family and go, and Betty had this sort of sad resigned acceptance.

This Thursday we also met Hernan for the first time--her 9 year old son who was baptized in November. He is a beautiful child. Curious, full of life and energy.

The very next day after meeting him, and after comforting Betty in her moment of difficulty, we got some terrible news. When Betty was out doing some errands, Hernan and his brother Rodrigo started playing with fire in the backyard and things got out of control and somehow the fire exploded onto Hernan and his whole body lit on fire. The details are terrifying, like something from a horror movie... he ran screaming, skin burning, and threw himself into a neighbors portable pool. For a while there were questions about whether or not he would live. He is now in a children´s hospital in Santa Fe (Capital) and reported to be in stable condition, but with severe burns all over his entire body. He will never be the same again and a plastic surgeon will have to work on skin grafts and reconstructing his face.

The whole family is pretty shaken up. And the timing is so heart wrenching. I understand that God is in control and I really believe that. But sometimes you ask yourself---why now? How much can one heart take?

Please send Jade my love and a big hug. I am praying for her and I am so excited to see her in 2.5 weeks. And please pray for Betty and Hernan and the entire family.

The older brother, Rodrigo, is struggling with a terrible burden of guilt. He came to church on Sunday looking for a little peace. His grandma said he seemed to come home doing a little better.

Time´s up. That´s all I´ve got.

I love you,

Hermana Parker

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