First of all, HAPPY FATHER´S DAY!
It has been another interesting, beautiful week. My weekly weather report: It´s warmed up again. Everyone has been saying "oh, this is normal. It´s the ´veranillo de san juan!´" Which roughly translates to "St. John´s Little Summer" or something. I guess they often get warm streaks throughout the winter.
The most exciting thing that happened this week is that we just happened to run into the owner of Cocacola, Pepsi, Disney and The World Trade Center Towers. Who would have guessed she´s a middle-aged overweight Argentine woman who smokes like a chimney and lives in a little concrete house in Posadas?! She is originally from Arabia but that was thousands of years ago and she has died and resurrected several times since then and eventually she ended up here. People are always stealing her money, though, and she needs our help to get a phone number for the police of North America!
Anyways, Aaron talked in his last email about having a lot of schizophrenics in his area, and on missions you DO tend to meet a lot of pretty crazy people... but this woman was by far the most delusional paranoid person I have ever met. We were just walking down a street and she called us over and asked if she could talk with us. She said she was struggling with a sickness and she wanted to talk. We agreed and followed her to her house. She sat us down and started to talk, and it didn´t take long for us to realize she is clearly a paranoid schizophrenic. At one point the conversation went like this
Her: You two are both North American? Us: Yes Her: So you know about the twin towers? Us: Yes. Her: Ah, yes. Those were mine!
In other news, Hermana Griffeth continues to do crazy experiments with my hair.
And a less-active family in the ward that we have been working with is teaching me how to crochet! It is my new favorite hobby that I practice in the 15 free minutes I have before bed. At this rate I will finish a scarf maybe sometime near the end of my mission!
We have transfers again in about a week and yesterday I hit 10 months in the mission. It is crazy how quickly time passes.
I love you all,
Hermana Parker
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