Dear Family and Friends,
I´m sorry I don´t have much time to write this week. We spent the day exploring the ruins of San Ignacio-- one of the old Jesuit missions that is about an hour bus ride from Posadas. We wanted to take advantage of what will possibly be one of our last P-days together and maybe one of our last P-days in this area. Transfers tomorrow. It was great fun and really fascinating. We took a guided tour and then spent the rest of the time just sort of climbing around the ruins and taking pictures. I kept on thinking about the movie The Mission...
Some great things are happening with the work lately. This week a mom with 4 kids that we just started teaching walked with her little ones over 30 minutes to church. It was a miracle! It was beautiful to see! I so admire the bravery and faith of people who make such sacrifices and come to church for the first time even though it is an unknown place with a bunch of unknown people. I know that that type of faith is rewarded! It was so nice to sit with them, and take up an entire bench and to help them learn how to sing hymns and hand the kids colored pencils and coloring sheets to help keep them occupied during sacrament meeting. They had a great time!
Well, I better go. Lots of photos and some good stories coming next week.
Love, love,
Hermana Parker
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